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Hello Parents, thank you for your interest in Windsor Minor Football. Below you will find some useful information in regards to our league.
Registration Costs:
We create our teams by district first, then by timestamp. For example if the Tyke division has 80 kids register then we must put 20 on each team (We have 4 teams). District A might have 23 registrations, District B might have 18, District C might have 19 and District D might have 20. We would take the bottom 3 from District A by timestamp of registration and move them to District B and C to make all teams have 20 players.
Practice & Game Info:
All games are at MicMac park on Sundays. Mite play at 9A, Tyke 10A, Atom/Peewee 12P and Atom/Peewee 2P.
All practices are held in the distrct your team is from and usually Tuesday, Thursday night from 6 to 8P and Saturday mornings. Mite practice is Friday night at 6P at Micmac.